Friday, October 22, 2010

Weight and Balance

Sorry guys but all the fougas that I saw did not have a curent weight and balance.
Stall speed, spin recovery, take off and landing configuration....
It can be a problem and it could be deadly.
If you want some infos how to do the real weight and balance for the fouga and the envelope let me know.
A emergency check is to put a scale under the nose tire, have the main tanks full , and you should have a weight of +- 70lbs on the scale under the nose tire.
But you will be required to do a real and accurate weight and balance.

1 comment:

  1. I recently purchase a CM-170R and I too can not locate a weight & balance worksheet to determine where the aircraft is at each phase, in fact of all the documentation I have with the aircraft, I cannot find a chart depicting the W&B envelope. I have current weight data on the plane from actually weighing the plane empty and full fuel. HELP PLEASE!!!
